For an amateur musician, one of the primary concerns is always going to be how you can expect to see your music being appreciated by other people. Finding good ways to spread the word can be difficult, but it is essential if you are keen to either make a career out of it, or otherwise just spread your art around a little. If you are wondering what you might be able to do to make your music known beyond your immediate circle, then read on. We’re going to discuss some of the best ways to do just that – and many of them won’t cost you very much at all.
Although you are looking to get your work past your immediate friends and family, at the same time this is exactly where you need to start. You have to start somewhere, after all, and this is often the only way to start to get it out there. Ask your loved ones to listen, and share the music if they think that it is valuable. With any luck, even just doing this will ensure that they give a few copies away. Often the best way to have this done is to give everyone digital copies, so that they can easily copy and paste it to other people. In this way, your music can spread like wildfire before you even know it.
Make It Official
If you want to be able to hand out something a little more physical and real, then you might be looking beyond the digital realm of mp3s. One great way to do this is to use a Nationwide service. You can easily make one CD of your music and then make as many copies as you think you might need – or as many as you can afford, at any rate. Then you have a real physical item to give away, and you can do so at any times. There are countless opportunities for this, and you will need to learn to keep an eye open for them. Perhaps you are performing at a local event, and you would like to give away some CDs at the end, or maybe you could hand them out at a local market. However you do it, it is often much better to have something official to give people.
To Charge Or Not To Charge?
This is a question that everyone has to answer at some point. Clearly, part of the joy of beginning to spread your art around is that you can earn a little from it at some point. But it is likely that you will want to hold off on this at least a little while you make more people aware of your music. There is, however, a happy balance between the two. If you want to make sure that your music is spread around, but you feel that you might like to earn a little something (or at least cover your costs), you can ask people to pay whatever they think is fair. In this way, nobody is forced to pay more than they would like, but you can still earn something.