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All musicians know how difficult it can be to choose the right instrument. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first guitar or your fiftieth – a lot goes into such a decision. The fact is, this is the kind of purchase you don’t want to rush into. You are unlikely to get much of a warranty on something like a guitar, and they are not often cheap.

Considering that, it makes sense to think carefully before choosing a guitar. This is much easier said than done. There are many different attributes of the guitar to consider. What you want to go for ultimately depends on your own needs at this moment in time. Let’s look at some of the considerations that must be considered to influence your decision.


Acoustic Vs. Electric

Chances are, this is the first decision you will make. Most guitarists know whether they want acoustic or electric right off the bat. Their tastes usually influence this in music. If you are keen to play hard rock ballads, you will obviously go electric. However, if classical is more your thing, you might be thinking of acoustic. Whatever you are keen on, make sure that it is really what you want to go for. Remember, too, that you can get electro-acoustic guitars with special pickups when you plug them in. For more on how that works, have a look at



String Types

It might not seem important, but string type affects the sound massively. For a first guitar, you might not be too bothered about this. However, a more experienced player may well find that they have an automatic preference. Some people even like to have a spare set on standby for certain occasions. The main difference is in the tonal quality of the sound. You tend to have a more resonant and easier-going sound with nylon strings. However, these strings seem to break more easily, so bear that in mind.

Conversely, with nickel strings, the sound is a tad harsher. In return, you get strings with a much longer lifespan. Again, as with the acoustic vs. electric decision, string type is determined largely by your musical tastes. More information on string types can be found at



The size of the guitar is important as well, for the obvious reason that you need to be able to play it comfortably. There is nothing worse than finding that your new instrument is unwieldy. It is always a good idea to give your guitar a test drive, as it were. This ensures that the size of the guitar is appropriate for your body. Size also has a – minimal – effect on the guitar’s sound. So, bear that in mind when choosing a few different guitars of different sizes. When in doubt, give them all a test play to see how they compare and differ. Finally, go for the one you are most comfortable with.



Measurements: Scale Size, Neck Thickness, Nut Width

These will heavily influence how the guitar plays. If you have big hands, you probably want a wider nut width for more space between the strings. This way, you won’t mute them accidentally. On the contrary, if you have small hands, a narrow nut will make it easier for you to play barre chords, while a thick neck can make it extremely difficult for you to play.

These are things you will notice right away if you test the guitar. However, if you can’t test it or want to buy it online, a website like comes in handy. You will be able to compare guitar measurements and find estimates about how well it can fit your hands according to their size.

Alexandre G.
He’s just a guy who got tired of bothering his friends with talk about music, so he decided to create a blog to share what he loves most.
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