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TV on the Radio deserves all our respect for the magnificent work they have done throughout their, yet short career.  ‘Mercy’ is the first song of TOTR since the LP ‘Nine Types of Light’ (2011), and the first contract with the record label Federal Prism from Dave Sitek.

‘Mercy’ is a pretty tough song, and we must back to the time of ‘Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes’ album (2004) or to the magnificent ‘Return to Cookie Mountain’ (2006) for listen such violence (but good) sound.

Speaking to Huffington Post frontman Kyp Malone said:

‘I couldn’t be more excited to be getting back into it, all together.” “The new songs ‘Mercy’ and ‘Million Miles’ came to fruition with such ease that it felt like an invitation to get back to this good work.’






Alexandre G.
He’s just a guy who got tired of bothering his friends with talk about music, so he decided to create a blog to share what he loves most.
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