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The Haunted Man marks the return of Natasha Khan under the nick­name Bat For Lashes, one of the biggest projects of the new British music. Hailed by audi­ences and crit­ics, it received nom­i­na­tions for both of its pre­vi­ous albums Fur And Gold and Two Suns for the Mer­cury Prize and Brit Awards respectively.

In The Haunted Man, Natasha Khan returns to the com­po­si­tion and inter­pre­ta­tion, after the announce­ment of a period of absence marked by a cre­ative block. Now with a lot of fans and fol­low­ers, we feel that Natasha didn’t force the songs to be com­mer­cial hits. In this album, the songs come eas­ily with the same impact, being the songs All Your Gold, Rest Your Head and Oh Yeah great examples of this. Even though the top­ics are the same as the pre­vi­ous albums (love­less­ness, loss, soli­tude and emo­tional wreck), this work is more con­sis­tent and enig­matic than the previous albums. Elab­o­rated rhythms with sen­si­tive melodies and sump­tu­ous arrange­ments with elec­tronic sounds which were clearly influ­enced by Björk.

The singer, pro­ducer and multi-instrumentalist makes of this disc, The Haunted Man , the work that should estab­lish whether in fact we have in front of us one of the greatest artists of the cur­rent generation.

The album was co-produced by Natasha Khan, David Kosten and Dan Carey, and counts with the col­lab­o­ra­tion of var­i­ous names such as Beck, Adrian Utley (Por­tishead) John Met­calfe and Sally Her­bert.


Alexandre G.
He’s just a guy who got tired of bothering his friends with talk about music, so he decided to create a blog to share what he loves most.
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