Grizzly Bear’s new album Shields is a strong release full of unique and dynamic tracks, to us, it is Veckatimest but without the classic Two Weeks/Ready,Able. Thereby disappointed those who thought that the band would never be able to present a disc as intense as that launched three years ago, manages to release one of the most distinguishable albums of the year.
The new album of Grizzly Bear is rich in detail and melodic constructions that balance electrical elements with other more intimate ones, and begin with the spectacular Sleeping Ute, preceding the album’s best song Yet Again. This two major singles on their own, do not make a great album, and for this reason there are songs such as Speak In Rounds, A Simple Answer and Sun in Your Eyes, which add more quality to the album.
For now we can enjoy the linking between Yellow House (2006) and Veckatimest (2009), but we are only a step away to hearing the amazing conclusion of this album, with Half Gate and its surprising evolution, and Sun In Your Eyes which ends the album in the best way as possible, an epic song!
We enjoy a lot of bands that are truly devoted to continual improvement, and this album is a testament to their creative capacity. With all this dramatic charge, “Shields” is being regarded as the best indie album of the year, and each hearing sounds even better, there is always a point of novelty…